Thursday, January 4, 2024

The Last Stars in the Sky by Kate Hewitt

Alex and her husband Daniel are forced to move after losing their home in Connecticut and their oldest daughter is suspended from school. Needing a reset to fix their family, they move to the remote cabin in Ontario, Canada where Alex grew up. Being back in this cabin she hasn't visited in years brings back so many memories and she's convinced this is the best thing for them... until the unimaginable happens and they're left fighting to survive when the world falls apart. 
After the first about 20% of the book which was a little slow, the story really picked up. At first I didn't really like Alex and her whiny teenage daughter Mattie, but as they are forced to learn how to survive and protect their family I started to respect them a lot more. The story splits between Alex and the girls and Daniel on his journey to rescue their son, showing more of what's happening in the rest of the country. This book really makes you look at your own life and how prepared you would be for a disaster situation. I loved this book and I plan to look for more books by this author!
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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