Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Three Sisters by Heather Morris

Three Sisters is a continuation of the Tattooist  of  Auschwitz series but can be read as a standalone.  The sisters made a promise to their dying father as young children that they would always stay together and help each other. Then in 1942, rumors go around the community that the Nazi's are gathering up the teenage Jews to work for Germany.  Cibi, the oldest,  is away taking part in the Zionist youth movement, and Livi is thought to be too young to be taken.  When Magda gets a serious fever and must be hospitalized, the doctor keeps her there to keep her safe.  Unfortunately Livi is on their list even though she's only 15, and Cibi volunteers to go with her.  They are transported to Auschwitz, working in the labor camps transporting bricks to build a new camp...Birkenau. Meanwhile, Magda hides out every time the Germans come looking for her,  but eventually she also gets caught. The girls take many risks while in the camp in order to stay together.  When they are released and able to return home to Slovakia,  they suffer terrible treatment by their neighbors just for their religion so they decide to make a new life in Israel, reuniting with the surviving members of their extended family. 
I love that this and the other books in the series are based on real life characters.  The abuses they suffered are just terrible and I admit I had to reach for the tissues a few times! The fact they were able to stay together was a miracle in itself.  Heather Morris has a way of writing in a compassionate,  relatable way to paint a picture of the true conditions of the camps. 
Happy Publication Day! I received an advance reader copy of this book through NetGalley. The views and opinions expressed in this review are completely my own and given voluntarily.

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